Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I should have just listened to that inner-voice and stayed home and rested. By the time I left to come home, my eyes were burning into my brain (and all the other good stuff that comes with high fevers)and when I got home, I took my temperature and it was at 104 F.

At first the doctor wanted to treat me for a bacterial infection but when she remembered all my drug allergies and I told her that antibiotics scared me now, she decided to send me for a chest x-ray instead. It showed that my lungs were clear, so instead she is treating it like viral bronchitis and doubling up on my inhaled steroids and doing the rest and fluids thing.

Oh and instead of chasing her, I kept Kira in a stroller and let her scream. It was fun.

1 comment:

Wilson Clan said...

oh dear, you had to drive feeling like that? sheesh girl..

I think it royally sucks about your allergies and the antibiotics thing...it sounds like you get to suffer more then you should have to.

Good thing its not pnenomia sp? though.

Oh, and screaming kids are the best..especially when your head hurts..yep