Isn't he beautiful? Maybe I just think that because he's my "baby".
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm whining again
Here is a listing of MOST of what I did this weekend. I kept it clean and left out the bathroom breaks and most diaper changes.
6:30 the alarm goes off, I get up, give out clothes to the 4 kids, dress myself and Kira, feed the dog and take him out, cook breakfast and load up the minivan. Somewhere during this I realize that in addition to having a runny nose, now my throat is hurting and my body is aching.
7:30 We arrive at the arena and get Damon dressed for practice (while trying to keep an eye on Kira, Campbell and Patrick)
8:00 practice begins and I'm chasing Kira around while Patrick and Campbell hang out with their friends and fellow rink rats.
9:00 practice ends and I help Damon get his equipment off
9:30 We arrive home. I take the dog out.
10:00 Kira is already ready for a nap, I turned on the alarm before I lay down with her and it's good I did.
12:30 I make and serve lunch
1:45 play with the dog in the backyard and then put him in his crate
2:00 pack up the van again (this time with 2 hockey bags) leave for the arena again, we don't need to be there until 2:45, but the skate sharpening guy is open at 2.
2:15 stand in line for the skate sharpening guy who is not there, and the kids are climbing all over the benches, vending machines, etc.
2:45 Patrick joins up with his team for warm up
3:45 Patrick's game begins. Kira screams for pretty much all of the game and I get to watch very little. The team lost 8-0. The boys stayed fairly close which was unusual and greatly appreciated.
4:45 I leave Patrick's game with a few minutes left and take Campbell and Kira down to the dressing room and get Campbell ready for the team pictures. Much to my disgust, I opened up his bag to find MOLD growing on his damp equipment. My throat was closing up. It was so gross (Matt got a big long lecture on how HE didn't bother to dry out Campbell's equipment last Sunday). Luckily none of it was on his jersey for the photo.
5:00 Campbell's team photo
5:30 Campbell's practice. Kira has fallen asleep in her stroller! It's a miracle. Other hockey parents are shocked, they've never seen Kira sleep in her stroller.
6:30 Practice ends, Kira's up and poopy.
7:15 Arrive at McDonald's drive thru
7:30 Arrive home, take the dog out and eat our McDonald's. I wash Campbell's hockey equipment in hot water and oxiclean in the washing machine, at this point I don't care if it is ruined, I will not have mold on it!
8:00 All of the kids watch Kicking and Screaming in my bed. I take the dog out again.
9:30 All of the kids watch The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl while I pass out on my bed.
10:30 I take the dog out again and hang the hockey equipment up to dry.
11:00 I go back to bed.
7:00 the alarm goes off. I hand out clothes (including Patrick's team warm up suit, and his freshley ironed shirt, tie and dress pants to wear later to the game), I load up all 3 hockey bags in the van (no room for strollers today), serve breakfast and feed and take the dog out. Yep throat still hurts.
8:30 arrive at the rink and all of the kids come into the dressing room to help get Damon ready.
9:00 Damon's game begins, Patrick and Campbell are playing ball hockey in the lounge area of the rink. Kira wants to join them and doesn't want to stay with me while I watch the game. I see very little of the game. They lose 5-1, but Damon played pretty well (from what I saw).
10:00 Patrick takes Campbell to his dressing room to start getting ready. At the same time, Kira and I help Damon get undressed, once he is done, I go and finish helping Campbell.
10:30 Campbell's game begins. It is so cute to watch. He fell down trying to get the puck out of his end, and suddenly the other team's players were coming toward him, so instead of getting up, he used his feet to turn himself around on his side so he could kick the puck out. It was hilarious and showed that he wasn't going to give up! After a short rest, Kira wants to run again, so I don't see much of Campbell's game either.
11:30 I take off Campbell's skates and helmet and we run to the van.
11:45 Patrick gets into his dress clothes IN the van and we drive to his teammate's house. I don't want to hold them up for leaving for the game. I drop Patrick off (he is travelling 2 1/2 hours to an away game with them). They left and we headed home.
12:00 We arrive home, I take the dog out and I serve a quick lunch.
1:00 Kira has a quick nap and I lay down with her and fall asleep for a 1/2 hour while the boys watch TV.
1:30 Damon wakes me up to remind me that I owe them a walk. I don't feel like I can get up though. My arms and legs feel heavy, my throat is worse.
2:00 I'm up, but now Campbell and Kira don't want to go
3:00 Campbell changes his mind, but Kira wants to watch TV (she'll sit and watch in hopes that Dora will come on).
3:15 I'm ready, Damon's ready and pestering us to get going, Campbell is messing around and Kira is throwing a fit because she doesn't want to go out. And Puck was ready yesterday and is bouncing off the walls, literally.
3:45 We attempt to go out, but Damon has taken off his hat and now he can't find it. I wait on the front porch while he looks.
4:00 We head out with Kira and Campbell riding in the wagon. She's screaming as loud as she can and has her body stiffened like a board in her seat. Despite this, we have a nice walk along the wooded Escarpment Rail Trail.
5:00 We arrive home and Patrick is calling from his friend's car with the unbelievable news I already posted about. We are to meet his team at a restaurant for a celebration dinner at 6:30.
6:00 I try to change Kira into a clean shirt for the party and she has another fit. I jam her into a clean shirt and we head out the door. She keeps screaming and thrashing as I take her to the car and put her in.
6:30 We arrive at the restaurant and the kids join their friends. They have a table set up for all 15 players and most of their siblings. It is wild. Kira and I find a seat. The restaurant is obviously overwhelmed and the food takes a long time. The kids get their meals first and are finished and ready to run around before the parents meals arrive. And when they arrived, the couple beside me discovered that their burgers were FROZEN in the middle.
9:00 We are only the third family to leave the party, but my kids are tired and I just want the day to be over.
9:15 We arrive home and I let the dog out. Then I start the shower.
10:00 The kids all fall asleep. I sit down at the computer for a few minutes, I am tired but need to unwind.
11:15 I take the dog out and then go to bed. I haven't made lunches. I haven't set out the clothes they will wear for picture day. I'm asking a rotten Monday morning.
The End.
6:30 the alarm goes off, I get up, give out clothes to the 4 kids, dress myself and Kira, feed the dog and take him out, cook breakfast and load up the minivan. Somewhere during this I realize that in addition to having a runny nose, now my throat is hurting and my body is aching.
7:30 We arrive at the arena and get Damon dressed for practice (while trying to keep an eye on Kira, Campbell and Patrick)
8:00 practice begins and I'm chasing Kira around while Patrick and Campbell hang out with their friends and fellow rink rats.
9:00 practice ends and I help Damon get his equipment off
9:30 We arrive home. I take the dog out.
10:00 Kira is already ready for a nap, I turned on the alarm before I lay down with her and it's good I did.
12:30 I make and serve lunch
1:45 play with the dog in the backyard and then put him in his crate
2:00 pack up the van again (this time with 2 hockey bags) leave for the arena again, we don't need to be there until 2:45, but the skate sharpening guy is open at 2.
2:15 stand in line for the skate sharpening guy who is not there, and the kids are climbing all over the benches, vending machines, etc.
2:45 Patrick joins up with his team for warm up
3:45 Patrick's game begins. Kira screams for pretty much all of the game and I get to watch very little. The team lost 8-0. The boys stayed fairly close which was unusual and greatly appreciated.
4:45 I leave Patrick's game with a few minutes left and take Campbell and Kira down to the dressing room and get Campbell ready for the team pictures. Much to my disgust, I opened up his bag to find MOLD growing on his damp equipment. My throat was closing up. It was so gross (Matt got a big long lecture on how HE didn't bother to dry out Campbell's equipment last Sunday). Luckily none of it was on his jersey for the photo.
5:00 Campbell's team photo
5:30 Campbell's practice. Kira has fallen asleep in her stroller! It's a miracle. Other hockey parents are shocked, they've never seen Kira sleep in her stroller.
6:30 Practice ends, Kira's up and poopy.
7:15 Arrive at McDonald's drive thru
7:30 Arrive home, take the dog out and eat our McDonald's. I wash Campbell's hockey equipment in hot water and oxiclean in the washing machine, at this point I don't care if it is ruined, I will not have mold on it!
8:00 All of the kids watch Kicking and Screaming in my bed. I take the dog out again.
9:30 All of the kids watch The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl while I pass out on my bed.
10:30 I take the dog out again and hang the hockey equipment up to dry.
11:00 I go back to bed.
7:00 the alarm goes off. I hand out clothes (including Patrick's team warm up suit, and his freshley ironed shirt, tie and dress pants to wear later to the game), I load up all 3 hockey bags in the van (no room for strollers today), serve breakfast and feed and take the dog out. Yep throat still hurts.
8:30 arrive at the rink and all of the kids come into the dressing room to help get Damon ready.
9:00 Damon's game begins, Patrick and Campbell are playing ball hockey in the lounge area of the rink. Kira wants to join them and doesn't want to stay with me while I watch the game. I see very little of the game. They lose 5-1, but Damon played pretty well (from what I saw).
10:00 Patrick takes Campbell to his dressing room to start getting ready. At the same time, Kira and I help Damon get undressed, once he is done, I go and finish helping Campbell.
10:30 Campbell's game begins. It is so cute to watch. He fell down trying to get the puck out of his end, and suddenly the other team's players were coming toward him, so instead of getting up, he used his feet to turn himself around on his side so he could kick the puck out. It was hilarious and showed that he wasn't going to give up! After a short rest, Kira wants to run again, so I don't see much of Campbell's game either.
11:30 I take off Campbell's skates and helmet and we run to the van.
11:45 Patrick gets into his dress clothes IN the van and we drive to his teammate's house. I don't want to hold them up for leaving for the game. I drop Patrick off (he is travelling 2 1/2 hours to an away game with them). They left and we headed home.
12:00 We arrive home, I take the dog out and I serve a quick lunch.
1:00 Kira has a quick nap and I lay down with her and fall asleep for a 1/2 hour while the boys watch TV.
1:30 Damon wakes me up to remind me that I owe them a walk. I don't feel like I can get up though. My arms and legs feel heavy, my throat is worse.
2:00 I'm up, but now Campbell and Kira don't want to go
3:00 Campbell changes his mind, but Kira wants to watch TV (she'll sit and watch in hopes that Dora will come on).
3:15 I'm ready, Damon's ready and pestering us to get going, Campbell is messing around and Kira is throwing a fit because she doesn't want to go out. And Puck was ready yesterday and is bouncing off the walls, literally.
3:45 We attempt to go out, but Damon has taken off his hat and now he can't find it. I wait on the front porch while he looks.
4:00 We head out with Kira and Campbell riding in the wagon. She's screaming as loud as she can and has her body stiffened like a board in her seat. Despite this, we have a nice walk along the wooded Escarpment Rail Trail.
5:00 We arrive home and Patrick is calling from his friend's car with the unbelievable news I already posted about. We are to meet his team at a restaurant for a celebration dinner at 6:30.
6:00 I try to change Kira into a clean shirt for the party and she has another fit. I jam her into a clean shirt and we head out the door. She keeps screaming and thrashing as I take her to the car and put her in.
6:30 We arrive at the restaurant and the kids join their friends. They have a table set up for all 15 players and most of their siblings. It is wild. Kira and I find a seat. The restaurant is obviously overwhelmed and the food takes a long time. The kids get their meals first and are finished and ready to run around before the parents meals arrive. And when they arrived, the couple beside me discovered that their burgers were FROZEN in the middle.
9:00 We are only the third family to leave the party, but my kids are tired and I just want the day to be over.
9:15 We arrive home and I let the dog out. Then I start the shower.
10:00 The kids all fall asleep. I sit down at the computer for a few minutes, I am tired but need to unwind.
11:15 I take the dog out and then go to bed. I haven't made lunches. I haven't set out the clothes they will wear for picture day. I'm asking a rotten Monday morning.
The End.
Sunday, November 20, 2005

They finally did it. Patrick's team won their VERY first hockey game all season. Well actually the AAA team he is on now didn't win last season either, so this is a truly momentous occasion. I was our home ice with Damon and Campbell's house league teams, so one of Patrick's teammates parents graciously offered to take Patrick to the away game today (far far away). They called from the car to say that we need to meet them at Boston Pizza for a victory party! I would hate to be an unsuspecting patron there when a team of pumped up 10 year olds shows up! WOOHOOOO We won!
I was told that the score was 1-0 with a minute or so left and our team pulled the goalie and scored. Then they scored another quick goal! I'm sure I'll hear LOTS of details about it all later.
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