Wow, my baby is growing up fast. It's not that 17 months is so big.
As my friend recently said, "children don't reach developmental milestones in a gentle daily progression, but in a lurching, daredevil approach filled with moments of sparkling brilliance." That's Kira. I think because I was sick for a few weeks, I didn't notice, but suddenly she's speaking in mumbled sentences, jumping, running, cleaning up, bossing Puck around, "reading" books, saying "ABCD", preferring to get in and out of her carseat by herself. She's a independent dynamo.
Her eating behaviour has drastically changed. My "baby" now refuses to drink from baby cups, but needs to use a big glass with no lid. She does really well and doesn't spill much at all. She is amazing at using her cutlery too. See her eating cake at Grandma's:
She just doesn't seem like a 17 month old, but more like a 2 1/2 year old. Or at least her tantrums seem that way.
I feel sort of sad, like we missed out on her "toddlerhood" and went straight to pre-schooler. I guess we'd better start thinking about whether we will be having a fifth baby, and hopefully that one won't be in such a hurry to grow up.