So today is Canada Day, our nation's "birthday". My sister was being induced, so we went to her house to help "distract" 3 1/2 year old Peyton and 19 month old Maddox. Poor Maddox fell down the stairs again last night! (This is the same boy who fell down the stairs in my sister's arms and fractured his skull at 11 weeks. For his sake they need to move to a bungalow!) So the night before her induction, my sister sat in the ER with Maddox to see if his cheekbone or browbone was broken. He freaked out when they tried to put ice on it, so when I was putting Canadian flag tattoos on all of the kids, I put a "just add ice" tattoo on his face. Here he is modelling with me and Damon.

All of the kids together (Campbell forgot his matching Canada Day shirt at his grandparents house).

We also went to visit my grandfather. After a few close "urgent" phone calls from the doctor over the last week, he seems to be doing better. He was very boisterous today and was screaming out, spitting out his drink, trying to bite my hand. The kids thought that it was awesome and can't wait to go back to the senior's home! Here he is chewing on his own fingers and Kira, the copycat, is inspired to do the same.
My sister had an easy labour and soon we got the call that
Tenley, had arrived. She weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and both her and my sister are doing great.

Patrick couldn't wait to get her into his arms.

Meeting Kira...

who insisted on holding her baby. ("Me, baba, no, me")

Welcome to this world, happy birthday and Happy Canada Day to Tenley!

The poor kid shares her birthday with 2 other Canadians, Pamela Anderson and Dan Akroyd. Now how do you top those 2!