Patrick won the city-wide cross country finals today! He won with about a 150 meter lead on the second place finisher and he wasn't even winded. There were over 400 boys his age running in that race! Everybody was amazed that he not only won, but won so easily. Matt got a photo of him shortly after the start of the race. He got off to a great start, pacing the boy to right in the photo, until he got to the 1/2 way mark. Sadly I don't have photos of his finish this time, I wasn't expecting him to come around the corner so quickly and by the time I got my camera turned on, he was long past me! When he finished and got his ribbon, he went back to the finish line to cheer on his fellow runners.
The last time he won a cross country finals, he was up all night the night before with stomach flu, and then begged me to let him try running anyway. Well last night he played in a hockey game and blocked a shot with his knee. When he got home, his knee swelled up and a nasty bruise appeared. He slept with ice on his knee and other than a bruise, he said it felt fine this morning so he ran anyway.
Damon and Campbell had great runs too! Damon wore the wrong shoes, got pushed down and trampled and still finished 127th out of over 500 runners. In Campbell's very first race, he came in 104th against older and bigger kids, in a pack of over 500. When Patrick was in grade 1, he finished 164th!