Christmas came and went much too fast for me. Even though I did make all of us
(yes, Matt made it clear that he thought I was insane to ask him to wear resulting girly pants) matching flannel pajamas and we managed to stay in them almost the whole day, we never found a chance to take that group photo. We were too busy celebrating, which I guess is important too.
We awoke to a tortured whine,"Can we go down now? Please?"

After a satisfactory amount of suffering by the boys, I poked the girls.

As you can see, my poking was not entirely successful.

Campbell is thrilled with his new safe. He only had 2 things on his list. A safe and a survival kit (which my brother gave him).

Damon opens his waist-high stocking, my kids have ridiculously large stockings.

Patrick loves his flannel pants!

Kira, delighted with her new baby.