Damon turned 10! He is a beautiful boy, ready to develop into a handsome man, much too quickly.
I can't believe that he is already in the double digits. Damon is really starting to mature. The teachers have been telling me that he has made great improvements at school, and he even won most improved player on his hockey team this year. He is really enjoying our new location. His favourite place in the whole world is the frog pond behind us. We often have "guest frogs" who come and live in the aquarium that he has set up for them. He always wants to keep them, but he does understand that it wouldn't be fair to the frogs.
Damon is a fun big brother. He is really good at keeping the girls entertained, although he occasionally finds it entertaining to tease Kira and watch her throw a fit. But lots of us are guilty of that.
For his birthday, Damon wanted to try the new chinese buffet (not the one Kira went to). He wanted to have a football game in our backyard for his birthday, but when I explained that the 3 feet of snow in our backyard might not make that possible, he opted for the birthday buyout. (Where they get a more expensive gift instead of a party with their friends) He got a PSP.