...You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out to the dump today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the dump bears have their picnic.

Picnic time for dump bears,
The big black bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them snacking on bags of decay.
See them gaily shove their snout.
Into things we've thrown out.
And never have any cares.
At six o'clock their mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired big black bears.

If you go out to the dump today,
You'd better not go alone.
It's rancid out at the dump today,
And safer to stay at home.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the dump bears have their picnic
Every dump bear, that's been good
Is sure of a treat today
There's lots of wonderful things to eat
And wonderful games to play

Beneath the trees, where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic

ANYWAY.That was one of the songs that the kids sang in the van. We went to the dump to look at bears. There were about 20 bears there during the time we were there! We were shocked to see people inside the dump, walking around. They offered to take our camera to get a closer shot, but as you can see it still doesn't look very close. So as they are taking pictures with our camera, Kookie's taxi pulls up. No joke, that's the local cab driver's name. She steps out and hitches up her pants, butts out her cigarette and she announces how stupid those people are, that dump bears are more dangerous than wild bears because they are used to people etc. We continue to discuss the lunacy of climbing through the fence to get closer to the bears, when the girl with our camera shouts out, "There's a bear behind you." We turned and looked and a HUGE bear was about 10 feet from us. Everybody flew to their cars, except for Damon who crouched down in front of FIL's car. He didn't want to miss this. When the bear saw that we saw him, he turned around and slowly walked up the road. It was great entertainment for the kids, but my MIL says that if the bear was any closer she would have fainted. Matt got the camera back and took a picture of him leaving.