I had my 20 week appointment with my doctor yesterday. I've gained 2 1/2 pounds so far, which is about the rate at which I gained for Kira. My blood pressure was nice and low, baby's heartbeat was 140 and my uterus was measuring at 20.5 weeks. So things were great.
I can't believe that I am already past the 1/2 way point in this pregnancy! It feels like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. Since this will likely be my last pregnancy, I had sort of thought I would savour it a bit more than the others, but things have been so busy, I'm worried that if I blink again, the baby will be here.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Father's Day was a smash
For Father's Day today, Campbell and I made Daddy's favourite breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast. Then we hung around the house, the kids had a water fight and swam in the inflatable pool. After we finished our lunch of steak & cheese sandwiches on the BBQ, we all piled into the van and went for a scenic drive, with our final destination being a nice little museum that includes a lacrosse museum that Damon has been asking to go back to lately. Just around the corner from the museum we heard an awful screeching sound that ended in some guy smashing his SUV into the back corner of our van. Thankfully nobody was hurt, and the van was driveable. The rear quarter panel is badly dented (that doesn't show up well in the photos) and scratched, as is the bumper and the tire rim.
The other driver asked us if he could leave because he was in a rush to get to work. He told us that his vehicle registration had expired and that he didn't have his new insurance card and he was worried about being fined for those. And he readily admitted fault, until the police arrived. The cop was a JOKE! He didn't even look at the skidmarks on the road. He had lots of errors on the accident report and didn't even describe anything about the accident! All he did was take down driver information and didn't even charge the other driver for causing the accident. By the time it was all over it was too late to get to the museum and Daddy was in no mood for museums.

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