Tuesday, June 20, 2006

1/2 way there!

I had my 20 week appointment with my doctor yesterday. I've gained 2 1/2 pounds so far, which is about the rate at which I gained for Kira. My blood pressure was nice and low, baby's heartbeat was 140 and my uterus was measuring at 20.5 weeks. So things were great.

I can't believe that I am already past the 1/2 way point in this pregnancy! It feels like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. Since this will likely be my last pregnancy, I had sort of thought I would savour it a bit more than the others, but things have been so busy, I'm worried that if I blink again, the baby will be here.


Wilson Clan said...

i can't believe you are either.. it's insane how fast time if flying..truly.. I mean..really it is.. lol

Just Me said...

Time is going by so fast! I remember you just telling us the other day you were pregnant!

Sam said...

Wonderful wonderful
Keep looking after yourself and yes it just whizzes past.