Here is Kira after her new haircut. I'll have to take a better photo of it, but you can see that she has bangs! She hates having her hair brushed and won't keep clips in it any more. She was looking more like a street urchin than the princess she thinks she is. And I was having fears about what would happen after I give birth and haircare is in Daddy's hands for a few days, so I finally caved in and gave her bangs and I trimmed 3 inches off of the back. I was thrilled that her curls stayed! And we can actually just brush it and leave it without any clips, ponytails or hairspray!!!!!
Awww she looks gorgeous, love those curls. Yes Matt is going to have his work cut out for him isnt he LOL, (evil laugh) seriously how are you doing. I still cant believe you are almost having number five. Hugs and good luck and ELV for you.
awww she looks so cute! I love her curls!!!!
Awwww, she's so adorable!! You did a fab job!!
Not much longer!!!Sending some ELV your way!!
Take care and God bless!!
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