Probably my favourite flower in the garden. Too bad they don't last longer. When we bought our house we were lucky enough to inherit 4 different peony varieties. I'm going to try to get photos of all of them eventually, for now, here is our most prolific.
We have 2 "bushes" of these, each with dozens of blooms.

I'm waiting for my fuschia one to bloom. The ants are at work. What are they doing anyway?
Here's a little bit of peony envy. Aren't these gorgeous?
They are one of my favs too! I wish they didn't get so top heavy and fall over though. do they do that up there? all the peonies around here are done and gone already. I wish i had more variety. maybe next year! Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE peonies but I hate the ants. We had a bush in our backyard and actually mow it down every year because the ants are so bad...what's up with that anyways?! *L*
wow, so gorgeous.. I've always loved peonies, but I'll have to remember that about the ants..I hate ants. ugh
We used to have mini apricot trees at my MIL's house & the fruit was very good but the ants..oh my gosh, they were like ants on steroids & they were everywhere!
Those pictures look really good btw..the close ups are great.
Mine are all at the back of the yard. When we moved into this house, that fuschia one was a HUGE bush in front of our front porch. DUH The ants were insane there. Our ants are very large this year, maybe they are on steroids.
Ugh we have a big ant problem already so I dont think they would be a good idea, maybe the are attracted by the smell or something.They are gorgeous though truly truly pretty.
Peonies need ants to eat the waxy cover off the buds so they can open.
More puck pictures please. Mulan (from Nuthatch)has been going for "bird therapy". I entered her in a field dog test and she passed her first test towards being a field dog jr!
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