Monday, March 13, 2006

March Break happenings

It is "March Break" for us. While our friends from the school go to Disneyworld, or Myrtle Beach, Matt is installing a slate floor in our kitchen, Campbell's hockey team is in a tournament here and I'm enjoying the while early pregnancy nausea thing. If Campbell's team is eliminated early we can get away to go see Grandma and Grandpa for a day or two, but we need to be back for Thursday because Matt and Patrick have tickets to an NHL hockey game in Buffalo.

Don't be too jealous.

My grandfather is in hospital again. He was released from hospital about 2 weeks ago after recovering from bacterial pneumonia. Last week he started having problems with hemmorhaging in his colon and was diagnosed with "Septic Colitis". His prognosis depends one which of his doctors you ask. I am going to visit him tomorrow.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

How's your grandfather?

I'd like to see pics of your new floor too.