Sunday, January 02, 2005

Okay, I have thick and slightly curly hair. So thick that I've never met anybody with hair that is thicker. It is as thick as it looks and twice as heavy. My hairstylist is a really talented man who can work miracles on most hair. I went to him thinking he would work his magic and tame my hair too. Instead he told me that I had the thickest hair he had ever seen and there was no point in working against it. He told me that layers would only make it puff out more, this is true. So he told me that I need to keep it long to weigh it down, so I've been onto something all these years.

Have you ever seen hair this thick?
yes, her name was Flicka

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Bridget said...

I voted Flicka cause I don't know who that is;) I've always hated my thick hair. Do you ever get it thinned out from the middle?

Motherhen said...

Nope, not any more. Thinning it out only means layers and it is curly, so layers go horribly wrong on me.

Wilson Clan said...

Dang girl! And I thought mine was thick. Ever since I had Jake it's really wavy & almost curly. If I don't brush it & pull it back after a shower, it's kinky curly like a perm. Richard loves it...and it's cheaper then a perm but I wanna know where my unfrizzy hair went? lol

Mine sheds a lot though, which sucks in its own way, more frizz and loose ends, but at least I won't have 10lbs of mane weighing me down. WOW, have you thought about doing it short & cute like Meg?