Saturday, June 02, 2012


For those who don't know, for the past 6 months, I have been adopting a paleo eating style.  I include fish, meats (preferably pasture-raised, grass-fed), vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and exclude grains, legumes, refined sugar, and processed oils. I personally include limited dairy, especially cheese.  I have been feeling healthier, my asthma has improved, I'm slowly losing weight and not ever feeling hungry.  The challenge has been trying to feed a family of 8, on a budget.  Paleo is not the cheap way to go.  And my resident athletes tell me that they don't want to give up carbs altogether.  So I cringe when I make up their bagels for packed lunches, and I often offer what I deem to be healthier carbs, prepared in healthier ways.  I know that change is hard for kids, so for now, I give them choices and lead by example.

I've discovered everybody's favourite is bacon-wrapped meatballs, inspired by Paleo Parents.  I've done it with different ground meats and they love it every time.
Chicken meatballs wrapped in bacon.

Meatballs, locally grown aspargus, baked in butter and olive oil and parmesan cheese,  and baby potatoes with green onions fried in bacon fat.  YUMMY.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The meatballs look delicious!