Saturday, May 21, 2005

Breakfast in bed

well actually, I'm getting EVERYTHING in bed. I'm spending my 34th birthday in bed. That's because I'm really sick. I haven't been this sick in about 7 years. I have been really wheezy and having pain when I breathe. Then last night the fever started and has stayed high ever since. This morning the upset tummy started. I'm starting to wonder if it is pneumonia. The last 3 times I felt this sick, it was bacterial pneumonia. I'm going to wait and see though.

My husband went to the trouble of making me eggs benedict for breakfast and he and the kids gave me cards, chocolates and some earrings. It was very sweet, then I rolled over and went back to sleep. The boys have been very good about getting me drinks.

BTW, I am terribly behind on emails and reading blogs, but if I did happen to email or respond today, please forgive the pissy tone.

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