Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Hoping we "Gute Besserung"!

My husband came back from 2 1/2 weeks in Germany last week and spent 2 days recovering from a nasty cold that he had for over a week. (Matt has only taken 2 sick days in 15 years of working at his company, one of them being last week.) Well he gave it to Campbell, who told me today he that he was finished with it, so he gave it to Kira. Kira still has it, but she is sharing with me. I am feeling like death warmed over and I'm afraid that if I go to bed I will wake up feeling much much worse. Or worse, I will have to wake up to a feverish croupy Kira. European colds are terrible!

Of course the day I come down with his cold, my husband has left for Amherst, Mass.. UGH


Sam said...

Hope you all get better soon Adri.
Try and get some rest. I know its not easy.

Wilson Clan said...

Ugh, sounds positively nasty!!! What a pita. It's bad enough to deal with feeling sick and having sicks kids, then you are single parenting? Uck. I don't know how you do it!

And damon, saying he's done so pass it on to sister? lol