Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A bad day at the track

But I feel like I got some good pictures anyway.  Here is Patrick racing agains kids who range up to age 14.  He's 9.  No wonder he got elbowed in the face at the start.  His head is as high as their elbows.  Even though he wasn't happy with his finish, I am still proud that he beat some of those big kids.Image hosted by
Sizing up the competition.  I love this picture.
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Sam said...

Gee and lets face it some of those kids are really big, what the hex were they thinking.

Wilson Clan said...

yes, those were some very big boys..but can I just say..I love that pick too?

And oh my goodnits..he's getting SO CUTE. They've always been handsome in different ways..

Patrick is really starting to have this handsome look..when he hits puberty..beware..LOL ALl of your boys