Thursday, June 09, 2005

Oh no! Look at what the vet did to my dog...

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This is how he has been lying for about 15 minutes, about 2 minutes after I took the picture he fell asleep.  He had his rabies vaccines and he was a big suck the whole ride home, except for when the lady at Wendy's told him how handsome he was.  He was bouncing in his seat for that.  Can I just say that the new all-in-one flea/heartworm/parasite medications ROCK!  They multi-task, just like mommies do.   I remember when I had Maddie and George and I used to have to SPRAY with flea spray, give heartworm pills AND do fecal tests and give more pills for worms.   

1 comment:

Wilson Clan said...

awwwwwwww, he's too cute though..and he knows it.

I have to say I'd agree with you, that rocks. I have to ask the vet about that in cat version!!!